Morph Your Burning Desires into Goals


Always go with the choice that scares you most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow. ~Caroline Myss Goal setting is a big and sometimes challenging topic; it can be massively complex. Today we're going to keep it simple with a four-step plan. See if this is true for you: when you talk about your dreams that reflect your deepest desires you naturally smile, your eyes brighten, and you feel lighter and suddenly more [...]

Morph Your Burning Desires into Goals2022-07-07T15:19:29-06:00

Sit still! Your Superpowers Crave It


“Meditation is a direct route to uninhibited self-healing. Think of it as a mood tune-up.” ~KeenI   If you’re like me, you might be the kind of person who thinks a lot. Take a moment now to stop and think about the most disturbing event in your life. How did you feel at that time? Now switch it up. How did you feel at the happiest time in your life? […]

Sit still! Your Superpowers Crave It2022-07-07T15:35:31-06:00


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